tirsdag 6. desember 2011

" A small" up date, even written in English!


yeah! finally!! the first snow of the year has arrived! felt just like a kid earlier when i stood outside smoking(as usual) and then , out of now where, it whent from rainy to snowy! ALLOT of snow! it was just like a movie, and christmas songs started spinning in my head! its so much nicer outside now, white and bright=)
"small kids has small pleasures";P like me hehe
had the day off as well from school, sooo nice not having to wake up at 6 am! but even though, didnt manage to to wake up before my friend arrived for working on a school prosject, as planned! so she had to wake me up! who means, banging on the door like satan him self, and then meet the most grumpy person ever, stucking here head out, "WHAT" hahah poor girl properly got scared like hellxD  but after some breakfast & coffe,we actually managed to get some work done;D
 and now im just waiting for an other friend on my prosject groop ,whos cooming straight from work (calf observation ;P) and then doing some more work!
and ofc, lets not forget the history test  this thursday, im studding for later and tomorrow(before work)! hehe

me and my interesting life, school, school, schoooooool, & work!!!!!

( my "pritty" school- looking like a mixcture of a jail and a fabric)

luckely, i do have some small aspects of life outside school,( lets not forget my fantastickly job at smart club!) so have been partying with my class & friends in the weekends inbetween.  who means 8 hours of work, changing in the car, and straight away for some fun! hehe

(my fantastickly job;) )

Btw! have the sweetest sister ever as well! she came with here christmast present for me yesterday, dying for me to open it, over exited! was really qute, gave me a really good book ( have a "small" interest of reading;P ) and inside on the first page she had written a peronal message for me and sign it, <3 best present ever , from the best little sister! =))
my beautifull little sister <3

could have written soooo much more, allways sth to tell, ( as most of u know;) )  but dont even know where to start, have been named "the coma anamal " by my friends after oversleeping and  missing first class at school, GOD KNOWS HOW MANY TIMES!!! even my teacher asked me the otherday in the hall, if i had done it again, aperantly, i was looking slightly tiredxD hahaha

its only one  incredebly bad thing!! everybody is going  to England, exept me!!! some of my colleagues are going for a day trip tomorrow (London, where else hehe) and Charly & Katie ( au pairs i got to know in UK)are staying for christmas in Cambridge! really wanna join them all, but those bloddy money is diseparing in front of my eyes before ill manage to even think about them.. poor me...:/ xD *complaining*